Chili Com Carne


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16: Sudarium​-​Wearing Thugs & Krakens (The Inner​-​Ear Tales - One)

Esgotado nesta loja
Eles estão aqui! 
Fantasmas de metal, bruxas, krakens... numa massiva colagem sonora de Blunt Instrument, aka, André Lemos
Conhecido pelos seus desenhos de outros mundos, Lemos é também editor da Opuntia Books e esta é a sua primeira edição no mundo do som. 
Um álbum fora-do-tempo-para-o-futuro, reminiscente da abordagem da pilhagem sonora dos anos oitenta e além, agora lançado numa joint venture Black Hole Time Warp + Chili Com Carne.
Edição lançada no dia 8 de Abril de 2022, o álbum Sudarium​-​Wearing Thugs & Krakens (The Inner​-​Ear Tales - One) existe edição limitada de 66 k7s e ilimitada no mundo do digital.
They're here! Metal ghosts, witches, a massive sound collage work by André Lemos.

Known for his other worlds drawings, Lemos is also the publisher of Opuntia Books and this is his first release into the realms of sound.

An out-of-time-into-the-future album, reminiscent of the plunderphonics approach of the eighties and beyond, now released in a Black Hole Time Warp + Chili Com Carne joint venture, released 8th April 2022.

Limited edition of 66 cassettes and unlimited digital release. Digital edition includes a bonus track and a printable A4 poster.


André Lemos: computer, field/ home/ street recording, voice, home appliances, miscellaneous editing, mixing...

All tracks cut, scavenged, assembled & mixed by André Lemos (Jul. 2020/ Jan. 2022).

Original drums on "Tara Huma Raz" played by Silvestre Lemos.
Words on "Botanik Ferox" & "Djinn Enforcer" by Nigel McMagan.
"Drooling Drill" first released in Saliva Sonographic Zine #1 (Jul. 2020).
"Botanik Ferox" first released in Saliva Sonographic Zine #2 (Dec. 2021).



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