Chili Com Carne


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+06: Frankenstein, or the 8 Bit Prometheus

micro-literature, hyper-mashup, Sonic Belligeranza records 17th anniversary by Riccardo Balli / LAST 100 copies
Sales price 15,00 €
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Book by DJ Balli

Volume +06 of THISCOvery CCChannel collection published by Chili Com Carne and Thisco
140p. b/w with illustrations and photographs. Full color cover.

Cover art, illustrations & design by Rudolfo.

Supported of IPDJOh Cristo webradioRokko's AdventureTasca Mastai and  Distroed

After having whistled quite a number of 8-bit versions of famous pop songs, and delighted his ears with chip-tune covers of black metal and classical music, Riccardo Balli thought it was about time to extend micro-music aesthetics to literature, and remix Mary Shelley's classic accordingly.

Through some sort of low-resolution séance, the author evoked the spirit of corpse reviver Giovanni Aldini (1762-1834), credited for having inspired The Modern Prometheus. Aldini tells a compressed version of the original Frankenstein, exposing its language to retro-gaming jargon and simplifying the plot as if it were an arcade game. 

The aforementioned 18th-century electrifier was the nephew of eminent Bolognese scientist Luigi Galvani. Also from MIDIevil Bologna is DJ Balli's electronic music label Sonic Belligeranza, whose 17 years of existence (2000-2017) this volume celebrates with 17 texts that explore the multitude of contradictory sounds constituting the corpse of this Sonic Frankenstein. 

Send him an impulse from your Game-Boy! BLEEEEEEEEEEEP! 


ATTENTION The file "A forward to further experiments from MIDIevil Bologna" is corrupted. Remember to read page 16 between 20 and 21 to recover the original text meaning




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